Volunteers make a Difference

Get Involved! It’s Easy…

Our Parish relies heavily on the generosity and talents of the people in our parish community. It could not funtion effectively without them.

It is often easy to forget that a lot gets done behind the scenes.

As St Paul states, there are a variety of gifts and a variety of services and activities to be found within a Christian community. We are blessed at Sacred Heart Parish to have many ministries, making use of our parishioner’s unique gifts, providing the types of services and activities, that St Paul speaks of.

Here is an overview of all the ways you could get involved at Sacred Heart Church.

Welcomers greet parishioners as they enter the church and hand out the weekly bulletins and activities for children.

Acolytes prepare everything necessary for the celebration of Mass and assist the priest by serving at Mass and with the distribution of Holy Communion.

The primary role of an Altar Server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass.  This is done through actions such as carrying the cross and processional candle and holding the book for the celebrant and assisting the priest as necessary.

Readers proclaim the word of God at the Sunday Masses and for special liturgical celebrations. 

Offertory Collectors collect the first and second collections and any special collections taken up during the mass.

We are blessed to have a number of musicians in our Parish community who all have a strong tradition of enhancing the liturgy by leading the congregation into prayer and worship through music. 

The choirs are open to anyone who wants to join. 

Volunteers are trained to operate the computer controlled rear projection system, used to provide the words of hymns and parts of the Mass.

The RCIA is for all those seeking to become members of the Catholic church. 

The Sacramental program is designed to prepare children who do not attend a Catholic primary school, for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. To enrol your child in the program, please contact the parish office.

Members of this group count the money from the collection plates at the weekend Masses.

Morning tea is served on Saturdays and Sundays after Mass once a month. This is an opportunity for parishioners to gather outside the church for a chat, over a cuppa and a snack. 

There is a roster of volunteers who help to serve fellow parishioners a cuppa, often with some home-made snacks.

This group is involved with coordination and comprehensive planning of church events, from small group gatherings to large community outreaches. Overseeing the management of event details such as location, guest list, décor, catering, and entertainment.

Maintenance & Cleaning

Our hardworking Maintenance Committee has teams of volunteers who look after gardening, church maintenance and presbytery maintenance.

Volunteers assist on a roster system to clean the church and altar linen.

The look of the church and the solemnity of the Mass is much improved when the church is decorated, usually with flowers but sometimes with candles and other arrangements as well. We are fortunate to have volunteers within the parish who demonstrate considerable creativity and artistic skill in preparing the flowers and other arrangements.

Volunteers within the Altar Linens Ministry see that the altar linens that touch and clean the Precious Body and Blood are cleaned and cared for properly.

The Rosary Cenacle Prayer Group is a group of parishioners committed to gather every Saturday morning to pray the rosary for the church, our community, the clergy and our parish. Beginning at 9:00am, the welcoming group gathers at Sacred Heart Church every week – all welcome!

Lectio Divina Women’s Prayer Group

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“Lectio Divina,” a latin term meaning “divine reading,” is a traditional way of praying the Scriptures so that the Word of God may penetrate our hearts and that we may grow in an intimate relationship with the Lord.

This group meets once a fortnight to practice this traditional form of reading the Scriptures and prayer.
All are welcome!

Come along to meet other families from the community for a morning of fun activities with your little ones, a cuppa and morning tea.
Fridays 9am to 10.45am
Early Learning Centre Kindy Room, Sacred Heart School

“There are many different gifts, but it is always the same Spirit. There are many different ways of serving, but it is always the same Lord. There are many different forms of activity, but in everybody it is the same God who is at work in them all.”
1 Corinthians 12:4-6