We welcome your contributions! Thank you for your ongoing support of our parish.

There are two collections taken up at Mass.

The First Collection is for the support of the parish priest, who draws a personal stipend for living expenses, food and housekeeping. ​

The Second Collection is for the maintenance and growth of the parish’s mission. For example: liturgical needs, utilities, resources, maintenance of church building, repayment of loans, sacramental formation and pastoral programs.

Planned Giving envelopes are available in the foyer area of the church. If you wish to sign up, please fill out a Planned Giving Program form and we will issue you with the envelopes to use for the weekly collections at Mass. 

If you wish to make a contribution via credit card, please click on the relevant button below:

Goes to the Parish Priest for his living expenses. 

Donorbox coming soon

Goes towards the expenses, bills and maintenance of Sacred Heart Parish.

Donorbox coming soon

If you wish to request and authorise the Catholic Development Fund (CDF) to debit your nominated account and specified contributions, please fill out the Direct Debit request form by clicking on the button below. Kindly email the completed form to the parish office or alternatively hand it to Fr Stephen before or after Mass. 

If you would like to make your own contribution online, please see our bank account details below.

First Collection Account:

Account Name: Mundaring Parish 1st Collection
BSB: 086006
Account number: 985196641

Second Collection Account:
Account Name: Sacred Heart Parish Mundaring
BSB: 086006
Account Number: 673418807